Oh hey everyone! I haven’t wrote one of these in a while. I had a lot going on at the end of January and didn’t get around to or feel like doing one of these updates, so this one is gonna catch everyone up over the last two months.
And in case you’re newer here or haven’t seen it: I still have a few spots on the Silk Road expedition in June/July 2018 with Inertia Network. We’ll be visiting China’s western Silk Road stops in Kashgar and Tashkurgan, Tajikistan’s eastern Pamir to experience life with Kyrgyz nomads and trek around in the High Pamir, and finally explore the Hunza & Yasin Valleys and take a trip down the Karakoram Highway in Pakistan’s Gilgit-Baltistan. You can opt to do half or the full trip. Read my post here to learn more, or head over to Inertia Network to either sign up or get email updates!
So what did I do in January & February?
Absolutely fuck all- nothing in regards to travel. I just wrote a bunch of content and worked. Worked a lot actually, and then spent what free time I do have out snowboarding. In case you were wondering, I’m not actually very successful at this whole travel blog thing, so I have been putting in 50 or so hour weeks as a dental hygienist doing temp work while I’m back at home. Blogging’s cool and all, but it’s not the steadiest income*, and I’m also not the type to spend half my life trying to pitch $10 a night hostels in the developing world for free stays.
Honestly, I’d rather pay to sleep somewhere, and not have to crank out a bunch of work writing about something I don’t care to write about.. unless it is the one accommodation you’ll catch me writing about next month or so that offers a truly unique experience. So basically what I’m saying is, I’m working my day job a lot because it makes me some quick money, giving me not much time to blow on here.
When I write those travel guides for places you probably have never heard of a TON of research goes into them. Between my personal notes, usually a book on the history of the country, several paper maps, references back to maps.me and Google Maps, oh and let’s not forget those photos I gotta put in there- my desk is literally covered in piles of random things that help me write those- because I’m not writing a useless ‘10 things to see in ______________’ most the time, it’s a detailed guide on ‘how in the literal f*ck to get to _________________’. The internet has enough useless fluffy travel posts.
*Maybe it would be steadier if I didn’t say ‘fuck’ so much in my posts.
However… If you hadn’t noticed yet, I’ve changed up my blog template/layout and that ate up some time back in January! Finally, and for the better I think, and speaking of that I need to really put in some time and finish up the final touches on it.
Aside from scraping dirty teeth and a blog facelift, my only real project has been going after snopes.com for stealing and using my photo in an article without any consent. You’d think for a website that prides itself on fact-checking and getting down to the bottom of things that the motherfuckers could in fact figure out who the photographer that took the photo is and ask fucking permission. And yes for the zillionth time, the photo in question as been officially copyrighted.
So what’s coming up in March?
Well, I’m off on a short trip overseas, but that’s if my passport shows up in time (I’d sent it off for a visa for an upcoming trip and the consulate doesn’t know what envelope it mailed it back in, so basically where’s my passport? No fucking body knows!). I’ll tell you where the trip is to later if I even get to go. But if you check Instagram, you’ll probably find out next week or so where I’m actually at, whether it’s where I’m supposed to be or not. All I’ll tell you is that it’s my 7th trip to this continent, and my 2nd (technically 3rd according to my passport) time in this country. So much for staying home for a while…
What I wrote in February
- How to get to Khafrazdara Valley, Tajikistan
- How to get to Orheiul Vechi, Moldova by Marshrutka
- How to visit Transnistria
- Turkmenistan in photos
- Cyprus, off the beaten path
What I wrote in January
- Pamir Highway Guide
- San Blas Islands Guide
- How to get to Lake Sarez
- The Afghan Wakhan Corridor in photos
What posts to expect in March?
I’ve been getting some content ready to go for next month, expect to see posts on Southern Morocco, the Tajik Wakhan Valley, and Antarctica.
See you next month!
Need Travel Insurance?
Start shopping plans over at battleface, my go-to travel insurance choice, or over at World Nomads.